Cool coding goings on in the world of Yoav. Experiments with JQuery and the Tridion GUI.
All posts tagged SDL Tridion 2009
Is Firefox the holy grail of web browsers?
Recently I posted about SDL Tridion’s new release, 2009. Now I work for SDL Tridion, so I will not say much about it suffice to say it has lots of new features and a much more “suite feel” than previous releases. When I posted a screenshot and a link to the new release information I…
SDL Tridion 2009
On SDL Tridion’s website they have released information on the upcoming release SDL Tridion 2009. Together with that there are some screenshots of the new interface. Here is one of them, go along to the website to see the rest of the screenshots and read the rest of the information on the new release. I…